Monday, April 30, 2007

Science and Pseudoscience

The Science and Pseudoscience wing is an immense, spiraling tower. Huge displays of scientific phenomena occupy the center of the tower, with walkways spiraling up and down around the edge. A couple hallways seem to branch off of this structure; signs indicate that one of these leads to the Pseudoscience section, while the other leads to the Philosophy of Science section.

At a quick glance, the tower seems to be arranged according to the scope of different sciences. The level you entered features most of the social sciences, with psychology and psychiatry a bit below and political sciences a bit above. Farther above that, the displays turn into Earth and atmospheric sciences, then planetary sciences. Beyond that it goes into astronomy and astrophysics, capped by a stellar observatory.

Downwards, the displays first go into biology (including many displays on evolution just to rub in that this is accepted science), then chemistry, and finally small-scale physics. The physics section here is divided into an upper layer on quantum physics and a lower layer on particle physics.

On every level you see a computer panel which displays a directory of the available exhibits. Moving up to the panel on this level, you see that the following exhibits are currently available:

Spherical Cows

An explanation of how simplifying assumptions are used by scientists and how they can be abused by pseudoscientists.

* * * * *

Return to the Lobby


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